Saturday, August 31, 2013

Progress: The Girls' Room

On to the girls' room.  Their room started out with the same green as the lr/dr and a blue accent wall, also the same color as the lr/dr.  One of the colors may have been ok for a nursery or something, but we needed to make this room girly!  Again, the walls needed a lot of spackling and caulking tlc before we could paint them.  And cleaning.  The two kids' rooms had really dirty walls.  I finally realized that what looked like blood splatters was probably kool-aid or something.  You get the idea.

We let the girls go at the walls with paint brushes.  They stuck to it long enough to paint the three pink walls with their paint brushes!

Bart really wanted to help, but he's not quite there yet.

After they did their part we finished up rolling the walls ourselves.  The big feature in the girls' room is the color blocks we did on the fourth wall.  We'd seen this in another house we looked at and they loved it.  So we took a picture so we could recreate it for them.  We started by painting the whole wall white.  Then late one night (like most nights that week before we moved in) my mom stayed and helped us tape off squares and paint the first coat of each color.  The next day the squares just needed a few touch ups.  When it was dry we pulled the tape off and had the big reveal!  We all love it!

We didn't realize how small the girls' room is.  We hadn't planned on setting their beds up as bunk beds, but once we got them in there it became painfully obvious that that's what needed to happen.  They were super-excited for bunk beds!  Rebecca was excited for the top bunk and careful Emma was perfectly happy underneath.

Here's a shot from the other direction.  You can see that even with the bunk beds, I put one of the end tables that Emma keeps her jammies in in the closet.  But now it feels plenty spacious.
This room was pretty straight-forward, although I think my mom thought we the squares wall was going to take forever.  It really wasn't bad!  Oh, we also did a quick coat of white paint inside the closet since, as with most things in the house, it was just sort of dingy in there.

Still to do:

1.  The second picture shows more than any of the other pictures I've posted the trim and door color that was used throughout the house.  I didn't think we'd have time to kilz and paint all the doors (we didn't!) before moving in.  And it'll be pretty easy to do a door or two at a time as we go.  So the bedroom and closet doors are on this list for this room.

2.  I've got a couple things for their walls that haven't been hung yet.  All in good time...

3.  I'd like to make matching bed skirts for the girls out of tulle.  I saw it on pinterest and I think they'd love the ballerina look.  Plus then they could be matching but each girl would still have her own color (pink for Rebecca and purple for Emma) on her bed.

4.  The underneath side of Rebecca's box springs are ripped.  Not very attractive.  So I need to re-cover it with fabric.  Walter had the idea to put posters up there for Emma to look at, so maybe we'll do that instead.

1 comment:

  1. What a fun room! I really like the color of pink. It looks not too light, not too bright, not too dull. What color is it? I also really love the windows through out the house. It seems like there are a lot of them, and I like the criss-cross style.
